Carol is Director and Founder of ‘Fearless Problem-Solving’, a series of programs that combine minimum risk with maximum creativity to help people fearlessly deliver highly innovative solutions.


She has a deep history of experience in this field after more than a decade as the Deputy Director of the Australian Innovation Research Centre. As a national leader in the application of design methodologies for innovation and problem-solving Carol is an expert in driving innovation and new thinking in the highest levels of complex, multi-stakeholder organisations.


Carol is an experienced trainer, mentor, speaker and practitioner and is well known for her dynamic approach to the delivery of professional development across Australia and New Zealand.

Carol is obsessed with her office manager Molly (pictured here keeping an eye on things).


And Carol is also obsessed with helping people free themselves from the fear that their problem has no solution. Or that if one does exist, it will be so complex they would have no idea where or how to start.


During her many years of involvement in innovation Carol has seen first-hand that consistently successful problem-solvers don’t leave innovation to chance. Which is why she guides individuals and organisations through the deliberate practice of fearless problem-solving with such enthusiasm, passion and expertise.


Carol has seen that when peoples’ mindsets move from fear to fearless in their problem-solving and innovation activities, they can increase the success and value of their solutions exponentially.


Carol is a woman on a mission to fill organisations (and indeed the world) with fearless problem-solvers who are equipped to pursue the extraordinary and to strive for truly compelling, kick ass solutions. With her trusty side-kick Molly, Carol is most definitely up for the challenge.

Carol Harding